Asthma is a lung disease that inflames and narrows the airways to and from lungs.The airways extremely sensitive to irritations and increases sensitivity to allergic reaction.If an inflammation will occur,the airways become narrower and thats the time less air will pass through..
- wheezing-a whistle noise on the chest when you have asthma attract
- breathlessness- short of breathing
- coughing-
- chest tightness-
- difficult in speaking- hard in talking since you are in short of breathing
In medical field,there are no known causes of asthma but it will be triggered due to the environment,genes and the ways of living.In my case,since i am asthmatic since i was in 3rd grade,it was from my genes.My grandfather had it,and he died of respiratory disease.Long before, the technology is not that developed and equipped and that he was not given proper medication.Though his doctor gave him the best but compared to now,its still have a big difference.I have a specialist who monitor my health.I have my own nebulizer machine and my symbicort inhaler.It is not easy if you have asthma.A lot of tings to watch out for.You have to be very careful on what you eat,what you wear,what you use and a lot of things to avoid.Medicines are very expensive.Quiet hard also is that,there are medicines that you cannot take contrary to your allergy.Like me,when i'm on my way to deliver my baby, my doctors are so careful on what to give me such medicines or my body might react to it.I am so blessed and thankful that i deliver my baby well.
In order not to trigger asthma,healthy living is one way of not acquiring it.