Last April 23,2009 at 7:11 pm,i delivered a 7.6 lbs., very cute and bubbly little boy through a cesarean section. I never thought i will go CS .When my doctor I.E'd me on the 8th cm,she told me and my husband to have a cesarean section because my baby is in breech position.When i found out it was in breech position i laugh because i was a breech baby too.When my Ob talked to me with my hubby and explained to us the procedure and the risks, it made us think to go with that procedure right away.Frankly speaking i am very fainthearted when it comes to blood,wounds,injections but at that very moment,i conquer my fear.All i want at that time is to have my baby out safe and secure.I prayed and ask god for guidance and i just hold my rosary the whole time,asking mama mary for guidance.Exactly 7:11,i delivered him through CS,very safe and secure.

I asked my OB what and why he's in breech position.And this is what she said.

Breech birth is a delivery in which ,the buttocks lead the way out of the uterus and the legs folded in front of the body.There are three different breech position:
  1. complete breech : sitting cross-leggedComplete Breech
  2. frank breech : buttocks down,legs,straight upFrank Breech
  3. footling breech : one or two feet downFootling Breech

Up until now there are no definite cause why the baby may in breech position.Possible signs of birth position are when you are 36 weeks pregnant already and you think that the fetus head is kicking you or much like kicking your lower pelvis,then it would be better to go to your OB and have it checked.One way of checking it is through ultrasound.
We are just so thankful now that there are new and good technologies to detect..


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