Before i got married,i worked as a TESOL (TEACHING ENGLISH TO SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGE) in a KOREAN SCHOOL.At first i was hesitant to apply since i know the fact that i am not teaching Filipino students and i am not an Education degree holder too. I barely don't have any knowledge about Korean's, though my thesis in college was about North and South Korea.I cannot speak and understand their language either.For you to get in,you have to pass the 5 exams,both oral and written and one of it was you have to pass the IELTS or ENGLISH FOR INTERNATIONAL OPPORTUNITY.Mind you guys it was very hard.I remember after my exam,i was vomiting outside the building.2 days after,i got a call from the school asking me to report for another interview,and thats the time they told me that i got in.Heavenly bliss,i passssss .:-)

The first student that was assigned to me was LIM DAE KYU or DAN.He was 9 years old.A soft spoken and very smart.With Dan, i don't have any problem's teaching him since he's already on the advance program.He's very good in math and he love's he's family so much.If we have time,we talked about his family in Korea,and every time we talked about family,he will cry because he misses his family and wanted to go back home.I always asked him why do you have to come here in the Philippines and study English,he said its all about business in the future.His father want him to run the business when his dad retires.I remember we would sneak out into our cubicle just to eat since we are not allowed to eat inside the cubicle.He teach me a lot of Korean language and in return i teach him some native language too.He asked me if i could teach him how to drive but i refuse for some reason's.One time when i arrived school he was in the lobby waiting for me.When he saw me,he was running up to me,smiling and jumping and hugged me and said" teacher,i am so happy because i eat baboy-litchon,very yummy,very tasteful and the color is red and the pig is eating apple and feet tied..I was laughing and very happy knowing that he like our delicacy.Though his sentence is funny but its not the grammar that counts.Its how he expresses and i find it very cute.When his program was already finished and time to go back in Korea,he cried and i cried too.When he was about to leave,he gave me this very nice and expensive mechanical pencil as a token of our friendship.I also gave him something too.I truly miss him.Hope one day well bump each other soon..:-)

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